
Walking through the dirt path covered in loosely torn up rocks, stepping over branches and roots of trees that are hundreds of years old, I take a deep breathe of fresh air and feel at ease. The comfort of nature and the world is undeniably present.

The earth has amazing benefits and healing properties for all to utilize. I have been diving deep into research and self-exploration of something I feel true in my heart. Nature is our one healer and going without her is causing harm to our internal beings.


The first study I will present on this topic demonstrates the earth’s effects on sleep, pain immune response, and takes a deeper look at the physiology.

In one of the studies discussed, subjects reported poor quality of sleep. They were instructed to sleep on the ground for 8 weeks. Results showed a normalization of cortisol levels, reports of better quality of sleep and decreased stress.

The earth helps optimize the immune system to prevent the onset of illness and fight off inflammation once it has manifested in the individual. Specifically, grounding an organism produces measurable differences in the concentrations of white blood cells, cytokines, and other molecules involved in the inflammatory response.^1 

On a more physiological level looking at cell longevity, mobile electrons from the earth enter the body and act as natural antioxidants. In our cells, we want to have antioxidants to protect us from ROS (reactive oxygen species) which create an environment that is not beneficial for cell life. The diagram below is a broad explanation of this concept. 

The electrons from the earth can maintain an antioxidant environment around an injury which slows or prevents reactive oxygen species from accumulating or surviving.

In one of my favorite books, Energy Medicine by C. Norman Shealy, the earth is discussed as being able to shield away and prevent the build up of electrical stress. The author reiterates something I am very passionate about “…the physical body has specific purposes, these purposes are carried out when the environment is optimal physically, mentally, emotionally, electromagnetically and chemically.”


The health and happiness of your body is related to everything and all things in your reality or external stimulus.

Time outside can produce benefits in your life, reduce negative emotions, and also improve cellular functioning.2

Nature and the benefits of earth are free for all who want them. You do not have to give anything to the earth and she gives all of her healing benefits to you.

I feel it in my heart that the earth has healing properties waiting for you to tap into. You can read research and see all the proven benefits, or you can go experience it first hand and see how you feel.

Swaying through the trails engulfed by something so real, I feel alive and free almost like a gust of wind. The chirps and sings of the birds creates a response of joy in my soul. The fresh, pure air, fills my lungs with clean breathe. My hands can absorb how strong and wise the trees are with every touch. Trees are one of the longest living organisms on Earth, we can learn a lot from them. The earth is unbelievably raw and open. You can be open and completely yourself in nature and absorb the light energy to share with others.


I hope you enjoy earth everyday with respect and love.


From deep in my heart to you, I hope you find some happiness in your world.


1. Oschman, James L et al. “The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.” Journal of inflammation research vol. 8 83-96. 24 Mar. 2015, doi:10.2147/JIR.S69656

2.Kerr, Jacqueline et al. “The relationship between outdoor activity and health in older adults using GPS.” International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 9,12 (2012): 4615-25. doi:10.3390/ijerph9124615


Higher Vibrations


Alkaline Body