2024 Lifestyle Practices

There is so much information telling you how to live, what to eat and how to move to be healthy. A lot of them are short term and not sustainable. I have found the following practices to be enjoyable and beneficial for the human body, mind and soul. Reach out to Emily here if you have any questions on any of these practices!

1. Dry Brushing

 Using a dry brush ( mine is from Conscious Coconut) daily in the morning all over the body starting at the legs near the feet brushing toward the heart. Complete both legs, then move to the stomach in a clockwise direction, stimulating the digestion and energy systems around the 2nd and 3rd chakras. Moving to the arms starting near the wrist and going to the shoulder. This practice helps stimulate the lymphatic system which helps the body release toxics and welcome in new blood flow. 5-10 minutes in the morning of this practice can be integrated into your routine. 

2. Gua Sha 

Similar to dry bushing but for the face and with a crystal tool, if you search Gua Sha online you will find many options, I have a Jade one and a Quartz one. Using this tool on the face moving from center to out - there are YouTube videos to follow as you are beginning and then intuitively you will feel where your body needs it. 


Tapping is an energetic practice in which you tap on specific energy points on the body to awaken and renew this pathways. Lauren Frontierra is a great resource for beginning tapping and learning the basics. I have a podcast with Lauren about tapping, listen here to learn more. This practice can be done throughout the day to reconnect with the body and the energetic field. 

4.Exercising outside 

Going for a walk, body weight movement, yoga, swimming, hiking, biking, any exercise that feels in alignment for your body that can be done outdoors in natural light can be done. Being outside allows the body to be recalibrated to natures light and for optimal hormone production due to the influence lighting has on our hormones - I talk about this a lot on my Instagram and have more education on this topic in upcoming workshops.

5.Sound Healing 

Sound healing in the form of chanting, sound bowls, drumming, singing, listening to nature, or attending a sound bath provide the body mind and spirit a chance to relax and go within. Often times, a trance state can be achieved when practicing sound healing often. This re wires our brains and helps our nervous system find harmony. If you are in Washington, try out Shawn’s sound bath at Wildwood Yoga studio in Granite Falls the first Sunday of each month at 7pm.

If you are interested in more personalized recommendations on how to make 2024 your most optimal year yet, schedule a wellness coaching call with Emily here

May 2024 be filled with health, abundance and living wild!


Salal Shrub