Sacred Sweat Lodge

Details about the lodge for members

This is a sacred day of ceremony. This lodge is a Rainbow Lodge where we welcome all beliefs and beings coming with an open heart and with the highest intention of light and love.

ARRIVAL 9AM ~ on time to build the fire, altar and engage in the ritual

ADDRESS - Provided to members only

Items to bring-

Clothes for sweating in - swimsuit, sweat dress, shorts (whatever you feel the most comfortable in)

Clothes for being dry in to change into after lodge

Dry towel and/or sweat towel

Water water water

Potluck Food for after the sweat - homemade preferred but if you must purchase something, please choose organic and good quality food

Newspaper and Kindling - to help with the fire

Donation - $20-100 per person for the lodge pour, gifts of tobacco and other hand made gifts encouraged

May also bring: instruments, journal, gifts for the altar or for the lodge pourer


No pictures of the lodge or the fire 

No cell phones out or used during ceremony- when we begin building the fire, ceremony starts, when we finish eating, ceremony ends and we can take pictures of the group, share contact information, etc. 

Be mindful of the energy you are bringing to this sacred portal 

No alcohol or mind altering substances in system (clean for 2 days before) 

Option of fasting day of lodge with lots of fluids (juices, electrolyte drinks, water with salt ,etc) 

How many people do the lodge?

We max out at 13 people and usually have around 9.

Is this a co-ed lodge?

Yes, both men and women are there are we usually have a male and female pourer holding the lodge - the balance of the masculine and feminine. There may be certain lodges that are female or male only and that is communicated in the email list.

Can my child come?

Children are welcome if you feel they are mentally and physically prepared for this experience.

Can I come if I am on my moon time? (bleeding)

We leave it up to the individual to decide what feels the best for her body. You are welcome to attend ceremonies when you are mooning - it will intensify the ceremony for you and the purification. Not all lodges allow this but we do. If you do not wish to attend ceremony on your moon time that is a personal decision - we support you either way.