This Zodiac Year has been quite insane for myself and many other human beings. I have felt so much energy rushing and flowing through my vessel. The Zodiac year starts on Spring Equinox as we enter into Aries Season (Fire element). I am an Aries (sun sign) and this Aries season was full of releasing and powerful growth. On the New Moon in Aries, I began a 7 day cleanse. The cleanse was for the Spring season and for cleaning out our gardens (our vessel, our space, any all things that we associate with). It is important to shift with the vibrations of the universe.

In order to expand, we must contract. We may experience symptoms that are not always pleasant before we really shift our energy. I was SO fatigued for the first quarter of this Zodiac year. We shifted on Summer Solstice into the first Water element of this year, Cancer. It was insane for me to feel the shift occur in my being. The alignment.

I believe that when our human body is experiencing fatigue, a lot of emotions, a lot of tears, and uncontrollable movements that we are evolving and our vibration is increasing. It takes time for the human vessel to get use to holding this new level of vibration. Others have often called these symptoms “awakening symptoms”. I personally believe that no matter how high vibrational you are, you can still shift and increase your frequency. The expansion is never complete unless you are pure consciousness. Pure energy.

Here are some of the ways that I handle these shifts. I hope they serve you well.

  1. Slowing down

    If your body is tired- REST! Cancel your plans, it is not the end of the world. Doing things such as yoga nidra, guided hypnosis, breathwork, journaling, spending time in nature, alone time, and going to bed earlier than normal, can all help you recharge and reenergize.

  2. Eating

    Fueling the vessel with things that are high vibrational- organic fruits and vegetables (if they are in season), nutrient rich foods, lots of water/ fluids. Listening to your body and how the foods you are eating make you feel. Fasting can be beneficial if you know what you are doing with timing, etc. I do not recommend fasting unless you are under the influence of a knowledgeable wellness coach/guidance. Juicing can be very cleansing and help the body heal. When we experience a lot of energy in the form of emotions, our liver is processing a lot. The liver processes all of the food we consume, as well as all of our emotions. Giving the liver a break when we are sensing a lot of emotions, can help with the processing of the emotion.

  3. Clean the space

    Take time to look at your environment. The space you live in, work in, and spend time in. Ensuring that your external environment is optimal for your being can be extremely helpful in your transitions. I like to deep clean my apartment, go through my clothes, clean out the fridge, and look at how my space is feeling. After I clean, I burn incense, Sage/ Palo Santo, or light a toxic free candle to clean the space even more.

  4. Connections

    The humans and energies you surround yourself with impact your being in many ways. If you are spending time with low vibrational humans, your vibration will be lowered. If your friend is constantly talking badly about other people, bringing up negative events, or making you feel bad, EXPAND away from them. It is important to hold space for others and be open to other energies. However, it is extremely important not to associate closely with people who are sucking your energy away. Be aware and present in your conversations and see how they make you feel. You should feel energized and held by your connections.

  5. Release

    Releasing things that no longer serve you… Releasing… emotions, fears, worries, limiting beliefs. Through journaling, working with the elements (water, fire, air, earth…), the ways we release energy can be many. Crying, orgasms, tapping, dancing, singing, screaming, laughing, talking, journaling…whatever feels right for you. Let it flow. Let it go to welcome in new energy.

May we all expand, evolve and increase our vibrations.




Summer Solstice 2023- Mitakuye Oyasin – All My Relations  


Aligning your life’s natural rhythm- Circadian Rhythm