Summer Solstice 2023- Mitakuye Oyasin – All My Relations  

The connectedness of all beings, humans, trees, animals, fire, water, becomes more obvious the more you open yourself up to all that is.  

Spirit, God, Universe, Earth, Mountain – We all use different words to try to describe what it means to believe in a higher power.  

Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, on the Northern Hemisphere. We celebrate and honor the sunshine and the cyclical dance between the Sun and The Earth.  

All of our Relations have acknowledged this day for a long time, Stonehenge has rocks perfectly placed in alignment with the Summer Solstice, The Mayan Temples have sundials, the sun guided ancient people and it can continue to guide us, the Sun has guided Native people on when to plant foods and when to move camp. 

Living Wild Presents Summer Solstice 2023, a weekend of celebrating the sun, our communities and one another in deep ceremony.  

This is a weekend full of participating in ceremonies from lineages around the world.  

Opening Ceremony Calling in the directions, Yoga, Kirtan, Pipe Ceremony, Sweat Lodge, Ayni Depacho, Drinking Kava, Land art creations, Yasei Shinrin Yoku- Wild forest bathing,  eating local grown food with community, drumming, fire ,connection and so much more. 

We come together with all of our brothers and sisters to connect deeper to ourselves, others and nature during this special, sacred weekend.  

The Universe provides the time and space for us to sit together. One with all our Relations, we shift the global consciousnesses into a state of pure, angelic heaven and Christ Consciousness.  

We look forward to sitting, singing, dancing and celebrating in ceremony with you during the 2023 Summer Solstice Ceremony in Stanwood, WA at The Secret Garden Estate.  

AHO, Amen, and So it IS.  


Salal Shrub


5 Tips for shifting through vibrations/dimensions