The Universe is always guiding us with her cyclical patterns. From sunrise to sunset, winter to summer,  New Moon to Full Moon, nature is our true guide in this journey.


Waxing and waning, the Moon grows and diminishes to our human eye. The moon cycle is a twenty-eight day cycle of renewal and growth. The Earth has an electromagnetic field that is effected by the moon and other planetary beings. 

The New Moon marks the beginning of the moon cycle. On this day, there is no visible moon in the sky. The energy pull from the moon during this time is high. Often times, when there is a New Moon, my energy is low and I am more sensitive. I experience back pain, hip pain, and one new moon I experienced vertigo!

The Moon pulls our energy to reach its vibration, and often times this causes physical symptoms to occur. The Moon makes us more sensitive during New Moon and Full Moon energy so that it ensures we transcend to its vibration. We become more sensitive so we can go through all we are meant to overcome in this experience. It can be a very challenging evolution if we have a lot to purge. We are often stuck in karmic patterns that take a lot of willpower to overcome. Being connected to your own energy and the Moon Energy is a major step in evolving.

The New Moon is a powerful time for planting intentions and seeds for what you want to grow or create for the upcoming Full Moon. There are fourteen days in between the New Moon and Full Moon. Fourteen days to evolve and expand a vision or creation. 

On the Full Moon, the energy pull is strong. The moon has reached fruition, as have you and your dream. What did you want to bring to this reality? The Full Moon to New Moon is a time to release things that no longer serve you. A time for shedding lower vibrations and harmful habits.


Working together with the Moon, you can structure your being and your energy in a way that the universe creates.  


The Moon guides us home. Back to our primal, wild self. 
Sometimes full, sometimes empty…you, my wild being, are the moon. 

You are the stars and the entire universe. Connect back to this part of yourself and find truth and guidance. 

Sending love, 


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Aligning your life’s natural rhythm- Circadian Rhythm


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